I am a mom to an amazing special needs little guy and wife to my very best friend. Our weekends are usually spent with family, playing games and adventuring or relaxing around the house in our jammies. I treasure those moments.

I am a military brat born in Germany. That could be a contributing factor to my adventurous spirit and daydreaming incessantly about traveling....to ANYwhere. We love the outdoors and traveling as a family.

I am an active volunteer with Brighter Beginnings and Care Train, both are local nonprofits making a difference in the lives of children in our community.

I am also a tiny bit obsessed with photography and that is why I love what I do so much.

I have been a professional photographer for almost 3 years, yet I grew up with a camera in my hand. If you are looking for traditional poses that are on the formal side, then I am probably not the best photographer for your needs....and that's okay. I know that I may not be right for everyone, but for the right people, I do an extraordinary job. My number one goal is that you are comfortable in front of my lens, we have some fun and we capture stunning images that you will love for years to come!

I am so ready for an adventure - and I'd love for you to join me!